A shortcut to nature journalling at quirky workshops

Shortcut to Nature Journalling

with Steve Pardue 

Have you wanted to create a nature journal but don’t know where to start or how to do it?

This workshop will - hopefully - fix that. I will take you through the process I follow for creating my journals which are really an expression of the joy I feel when out and about in the woods or the river. I will be using my own journals of nature captured over the last 5 years and show how you can create a body of work by simply recording in your own way the things you see every day. I now look back on my earlier journals and can not only see how my artistic style has evolved and changed but more importantly I can look up the dates when I first saw sand martins arrive for the summer, or when the last swift left, or when the first chiff chaff … well chiff chaffed!

And it is so easy - no rules - no great artistic skill required - just observation and a daily habit of drawing. I will show you the materials I use and the techniques I employ. Weather permitting, we can spend some time outdoors looking at the nature around us and we can then come back indoors and draw our observations.

 I will provide a small kit of materials which will include: 2 fineliners  ~  My Shortcut to Nature Journalling guide ~ A blank concertina nature journal , all of which are yours to keep.

I will also have a variety of fountain pens and journals available to try and buy.  

9.45am – 12.45pm or 1.45pm to 4.45pm  

For more information see Quirky Workshops.

Please note this workshop is fully booked. Please check back for more information about future workshops.

Steve Pardue

Steve is an artist and designer, specialising in the area of Interpretation, combining his artistic skills with his reading of the landscape. He has considerable knowledge and expertise in managing large complex projects working with professionals across a range of sectors including steel fabrication and wood manufacture. Steve has been running his own company - Differentia - since 1990. Steve works with words and pictures and devises visual representations of projects which include poetry, history and art. He also works with other artists in collaborative work which often crosses boundaries from interpretation to art installations.


Pop-up Nature Journal Workshops at Queens Hall Arts Centre


Nature Journalling Workshop